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Technics 1210 mk2 pitch cleaning


Iphone cleaning speaker sound

Here you can find two audio sources for cleaning the speakers on iphone, just play the audio and put a small drop of water it will start to clean then wipe with clear paper.

Носталгија: eмисии, серии и цртани филмови со кои пораснавме

Дали се уште ги потпевнувавте песните од “Бушава Азбука”? А Билјaрката? Дали ве насмевнуваше? Дали “се плашевте од темнината”? И дали навивавте за Ник Слотер? Кој ви беше симпатија од “Mлади Бунтовници”?

Многумина жалат и со задоволство се присетуваат на овие детски емисии. Нема ученик од 80 -тите и 90-тите години кој учебната година не ја поминуваше со емисијата “Ѕвон” и “Македонските народни приказни”, зимскиот распуст со “Зимско рекреативна програма” а летниот распуст со згодите и незгодите на  нa  ликовите од “Втората смена”. Се обидовме да ги издвoиме најинтересните и да ве навратиме десетина години наназад:)


Една од најпопуларните македонски серии за деца, „Опстанок“, одеше во етерот во деведесетите години од минатиот век. Главни ѕвезди во серијата беа четирите дечиња Босилка (Елена Зафировска), Петре (Дејан Велков), Анѓа (Катерина Ангелова), Стојанче (Сашо Софрониевски), Осамениот (Мето Јовановски) и секако „волчко“

Дајте Музика

Оние малку повозрасните што растеа со култната детска серија „Дајте музика“ велат дека улиците се празнеле кога таа се емитувала на малите екрани. Оваа серија, која се прикажуваше на Македонската телевизија, беше во режија на Лазар Паковски и нема дете од земјава што не се сеќава на овој проект.Дајте музика“ беше, остана, а верувам и во иднина ќе биде култна детска забавна серија, која, за жал, сите овие дваесетина години не доби свој наследник и не е надмината. Освен интересната содржина, таму се слушаа и песнички за деца што сѐ уште се паметат. Најавната песна „Дајте музика“, која се емитуваше во шпица, сите ја потпевнуваат и ден денес.

Волшебното самарче

ТВ Скопје 1975. Игор Џамбазов, Анче Џамбазова, Петре Прличко,  Ристо Шишков, Коле Ангеловски… Работена според делото на Ванчо Николевски. Се сеќавате на моментот кога Трајче Дрварчето ќе дознае дека неговиот татко загинал за време на бомбардирањето на Белград?
Белото Циганче
Македонска серија за деца од 1983 година. Илија Џувалековски, Снежана Стамеска, Крсте Јовановски, Рубенс Муратовски, Игор Маџиров.Дело од Видое Подгорец.
Бушава Азбука
Македонска детска програма продуцирана со помош на МРТВ во 1985 со авторите Горан Стефановски и Слободан Унковски, со музика од Леб и сол и Ана Костовска. Програмата е насочена кон детското образование и запознавање со македонската книжевност, култура и традиција преку медиумите на музика, цртан филм, итн. Вкупно има 31 епизода со просечно траење од 29 минути, посебно посветени на буквите од македонската азбука.
Зимско рекреативна програма
Секое утро во 10 часот бевме пред телевизорот и со нетрпение ја очекувавме најавната шпица на “Зимско рекретивната програма”. Гледавме “Најсмешни видео инсерти”, “Македонски народни приказни”, добивавме по некоја награда. Ги запознавме Александар Блажевски и Ненад Ѓорѓиев.
Сител Бамбини
Секоја недела распеаната Деси пееше детски хитови со многу дечиња.
Ги запознавме Ана Јовковска и Анета Андонова. Ни го разубавуваа секој викенд со интересни теми.
Тропски горештини (1991-1993)
Иако секоја година “екслузивно“ ја даваат на МТВ, сепак ова беше серија со која верувам речиси секој од вас ги поминувал летата.
Дали се плашите од темнината? (1991-1996)
Има ли некој што не ја знае серијава? На IMDb се уште има рејтинг од 8.5. Секој вторник група на млади луѓе раскажуваа по некоја навидум страшна приказна. За да биде уште поморничава атмосферата, целиот серијал беше снимен на плажа со запален логорски оган. Се сеќавате нели?
Млади бунтовници (2002-2003)
Знам дека вака звучи смешно од оваа перспектива, ама кога излезе серијава беше тотален хит меѓу тинејџерите. Жените го сакаа Мануел и Пабло , мажите ги сакаа Миа, Вико и Пилар. Сите ги знаеа песните како Bonita и другите, зарем некој ја заборавил легендарната реклама после наградната игра, легендарната реплика: Ај не си дете?
Залезот на плажата
Мислам, легендарната Мег, Бен, траеше толку долго и на крај МТВ не ја откупија цела и си останавме да се прашуваме како заврши… и кој е убиецот нели?
Тетка Биберче
Mrs. Pepperpot или Spoon Obasan на јапонски е легендарната Тетка Биберче. Првиот anime прикажан на Македонската Радио Телевизијa. Познати цртани филмови беа и  Пожарникарот Сем, Таличниот Том, Волшебните чевличиња и Нинџа Желките и Веселите Грашкоци?
Серија за најсимпатичниот вонземјанин на сите времиња.
Muppet babies
Мораме да признаеме дека Muppet babies ни беше многу појако од оригиналното Muppet Show.
Втората смена
Македонска серија за деца и млади од 1988 година. Според романот “Втората смена” на Велко Неделковски. Играат: Мартин Трпчевски, Катарина Ангеловска, Виктор Дојчиновски, Наталија Куновска, Павел Максимовски, Рубенс Муратовски, Марија Кондовска, Александар Чамински, Стојна Крстевска, Ѓокица Лукаревски, Анче Џамбазова…
Се надеваме дека за миг успеавме да ве навратиме во вашето детство.

Cross DJ for Android 1.5 — now with MIDI

Cross DJ – Mix your music 1.5.2 APK:

Cover art
Original post here

s we are all constantly reminded, Apple is still the king of mobile when it comes to anything audio. The DJ software/hardware scene on iPhone and iPad is maturing at a steady pace. In fact, Pioneer only just announced the WeGO3, designed for mobile devices.
But there’s one shining light for Android users. Mixvibes, the team behind rekordbox and Cross DJ, have been steadily plugging away at the feature set of their Android edition. With some pretty big news in the changelog for the latest version, 1.5, the development doesn’t seem to be slowing.
Although MIDI control in Android is nothing new, I think we can safely say that Cross DJ gets a ‘first’ with the app providing a full MIDI mapping for a DJ controller. Those of you with a U-Mix Control Pro can plug in and get all the features you need to get mixing. The guys at Mixvibes also say there’s controller support to come, so watch this space.
There is a big caveat, though, in that we are still waiting for Android to provide access to proper multi-channel audio, like iOS has. In theory, certain kernels (and later versions from 4.1) already support USB audio, but my experiments with various audio interfaces have failed to get any noise out. This means you’ll still have to use a splitter cable to be able to cue and play music out at the same time. Which means we’re still on mono audio.
Also available in this release is Mixcloud integration, allowing you to not only record your sets in the app, but upload them, along with timestamps and tracklists… all done for you! Mixvibes also mention SoundCloud, but that’s been a feature for a few months now.
You get a lot of app for the price ($9.99/£5.99) and as usual, the new features are free in the update.

Servers Ultimate Pro 6.2.4 Build 13.apk

How to Install Android on Your PC

How to Install Android on Your PC
Rooting and ROMs

How to Install Android on Your PC

Mark Wilson on July 16th 2013
  • android,
  • jelly bean,
  • virtualbox,
  • virtualize,
  • windows
It used to be the case that PC users had the choice of installing Windows or, if they were feeling adventurous, a version of Linux. This is still true, but it is now also possible to install OS X without owning a Mac and virtualization means that you can do all of this alongside your main operating system in a virtual computer.
This being Android.AppStorm, you may well wonder what virtualization has to do with your phone or tablet. Well, how would you feel about the chance of installing and running Android on your PC? Using a free copy of VirtualBox and the information in this guide, you can run a fully functioning – and legal – version of Jelly Bean on your computer.

If the below process doesn’t work for you, please check this other (simpler) method to emulate Android on your PC with GenyMotion.

It’s a Simple Process

First, you’ll need to grab yourself a copy of VirtualBox. This powerful virtualization utility can be used to install a second operating system alongside your primary one, and while this usually means running a second copy of Windows or trying out Ubuntu, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able install a mobile operating system as well.Android may have been designed for your phone and tablet , but that doesn’t mean it needs to stay there.
Android may have been designed for your phone and tablet , but that doesn’t mean it needs to stay there.
Once you have the virtualization software up and running, you’ll need to get hold of a copy of Jelly Bean to install. This does not mean that you need to obtain an illicit copy of the operating system from an untrustworthy website, or rip a copy of your phone’s ROM – it is actually freely available.

Step 1: Grab an Android ROM

There are various versions of Android available for download, but it makes sense to work with the most recent version – Jelly Bean. Head over to the Android-x86 website scroll down to the Android-x86-4.2-devel section and click the View link for the most up to date version (at time of writing this is 4.2 20130228).There are several Android ROMs available to download including the latest version of Jelly Bean.
There are several Android ROMs available to download including the latest version of Jelly Bean.
Weighing in at just under 200MB, the download will take a moment to transfer. Once you have the ISO file on your hard drive, you’re ready to set about the task of installing it in VirtualBox.

Step 2: Going Virtual

Pay a visit to the VirtualBox download page and click the link to download the software. Here, I’m working with Windows 8, but VirtualBox is compatible with older versions of Microsoft’s operating system, and there are also versions available for OS X and Linux.VirtualBox can be used to install a second operating system on your computer, including Android.
VirtualBox can be used to install a second operating system on your computer, including Android.
Once downloaded, run through the installation of the program  – just accept all of the default options. Don’t be concerned when you’re asked to install a new network adaptor as this is part if the usual installation process.A virtual network adaptor will be installed by VirtualBox to allow virtual machines to get online.
A virtual network adaptor will be installed by VirtualBox to allow virtual machines to get online.
Once installation is complete, launch VirtualBox and you’re ready to move to the next stage.

Step 3: Create a Virtual Machine

You’ll need to start by creating a new virtual machine onto which you will install Android. Click the New button. Name the virtual machine whatever you like, and (as Android is based on Linux) select  Linux from the first drop down menu. From theVersion menu select Other Linux and then click Next.Android is a Linux-based operating system and it needs to be correctly identified in VirtualBox.
Android is a Linux-based operating system and it needs to be correctly identified in VirtualBox.
Move the memory slider to the right so that 512MB or more of RAM is set aside for VirtualBox and click Next. Make sure that the Create a virtual hard drive now option is selected and click Create. Select VDI, click Next and then select theFixed size option before clicking Next.
You can then use the slider to choose how large a disk should be assigned to the virtual machine, and you can use the folder button to choose where it should be stored. Click Create when you’ve configured your settings — it might take a few minutes for the virtual disk to be created.Your virtual Android device can be assigned a drive capacity of your choice -- go wild!
Your virtual Android device can be assigned a drive capacity of your choice — go wild!

Step 4: Install Android

Make sure that you have your newly created virtual machine selected and then click the Settings button in the toolbar. Click the Storage link to the left hand side of the dialog and then towards the center click the Empty entry in the Storage Treesection.
To the right of this, click the small disc button and select Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file from the menu that appears. Navigate to the ISO file you have downloaded, select it and click Open followed by OK.The ISO files you've downloaded can be used as a virtual CD to install Android.
The ISO files you’ve downloaded can be used as a virtual CD to install Android.
Power up your virtual machine by clicking the Start button in the VirtualBox toolbar.
If this is the first time you’ve used the program you may see a message letting you know about mouse capturing. When you move the mouse cursor inside the virtual machine window you’ll find that you cannot move it back out to control Windows as you normally would – just remember to press the right hand Ctrl key to free up the mouse when you need to.
Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll down to the Installation option and press Enter.Android can be run without installation, but opting to install provides a better, faster experience.
Android can be run without installation, but opting to install provides a better, faster experience.
Now you will need to configure the virtual hard drive so that there is somewhere to install Android to. Select the Create/Modify Partition option and press Enter.
Select New at the bottom of the screen and press Enter, and then select thePrimary option before pressing Enter again. Press Enter to create a partition that occupies your entire virtual drive.Configuring hard drives for Android may seem complex, but it takes just a few moments.
Configuring hard drives for Android may seem complex, but it takes just a few moments.
Now select the Bootable option and press Enter, select Write and press Enter, and then type the word yes before pressing Enter once again. Select Quit, choose the partition you’ve just created and press Enter.
When prompted, select the option to use the ext3 file system and select Yes to confirm your choice. The GRUB bootloader takes care of launching Android, so select Yes to install it and then select Yes again to make the /system directory writeable.The correct drive format must be selected for Android to work properly, so take care during configuration.
The correct drive format must be selected for Android to work properly, so take care during configuration.
It won’t be long before Android boots, and at this point you should remove the virtual CD from the drive. Click the Devices menu and select CD/DVD Devicesfollowed by Remove disk from virtual drive.It's a slightly time-consuming process, but getting Android on your PC is very rewarding.
It’s a slightly time-consuming process, but getting Android on your PC is very rewarding.

Step 5: Almost There!

You might find that Android takes a little while to boot up — at least the first time around — and you’ll then have to run through the initial configuration just like you did the first time you switched on your phone or tablet.
Should you find that your mouse does not work and you are unable to click within Android, click the Machine menu in Virtual Box and then click Disable Mouse Integration. You may also find it useful to click View followed by Switch to Scale Mode if you find the mouse acts erratically — you can switch back to regular mode by pressing the right Ctrl key and C at the same time.The first time you run Android you'll have to set it up just like you did on your phone or tablet.
The first time you run Android you’ll have to set it up just like you did on your phone or tablet.
You can ignore any steps related to connecting to a wireless network as VirtualBox will just make use of your computer connection without the need for additional configuration.Running Android within Windows can feel strange to start with, but it's also great fun!
Running Android within Windows can feel strange to start with, but it’s also great fun!
Now it’s time to pay a visit to Google Play and start downloading apps! Let us know how you get on, particularly if you think up any interesting uses for a virtualized copy of Android.

OK, Google! How to enable Google Now in every location (NEED'S ROOT)

OK, Google! How to enable Google Now in every location

I have got the Nexus 5 and it's very cool that you say "OK Google" to trigger voice search function, you can also speak to use Google Now to find interesting things for you. But Google Now is not available in China, and by default you will see in Android system settings it says Google Now is not supported in China. But the great fire wall cannot stop us, and below is the way you can do it.

The prerequisite is that you have a rooted device. 

1. Please download ->  (Market Unlocker 3.3.3)

2. After installation, search in cool market an app called "market unlocker". Run it and turn on
1) Enable Unlocker
2) Auto Unlocker

3. Turn off location
Go to Settings, under "PERSONAL" there is "Location" icon, click it and turn it off.

4. Clear Data and Cache of Google apps
Very importantly, please turn off your WiFi in this step
Go to Settings-->Apps, slice to ALL apps, clear cache of three Google apps
1) Google Play services (Click manage space, and then clear all data)

2) Google Play Store (Click clear data)

3) Google Search (Clear data)

Now reboot your device

1. go to Google Play to initialize it.
2. long lick the "Up" icon in home screen and click Google now.

Wait Google Now to be initialized. After this, you can enable locations service and google now will be there with you.

OK, Google!
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